Identity first

Defense Against Cybercrime

Identity First Security

IAM acts as your organization’s first line of defense against cybercrime. GCA provides highly-effective technologies, frameworks and concepts to keep you safe.

Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture (CSMA)

Over the past decade, IAM and security tools have operated in silos. Identity Manager, Privileged Access Manager and SIEM tools were built and managed by separate teams. With Cybersecurity Mesh Architecture, the approach is to create a collaborative ecosystem with increased interoperability between tools

Core Characteristics:

Composable –  Centralized security controls
Distributed –  Decentralized enforcement of security controls
Collaborative – Increased collaboration between both teams and technologies

Converged IAM Platforms (CIP)

A key component of IAM security best practices is planning both initiatives and technologies in a strategic roadmap. Gartner projects 70% of new implementations will house multiple IAM technologies in a single platform by 2025.

Many IAM software providers are working towards merging their technology solutions into one single solution. As organizations integrate their existing IAM tools, vendors are also working to merge their tools into one holistic solution.

Key Benefits of CIP:

  • Merging of identity data and identity threat signals
  • Enhanced ability to protect against sophisticated identity attacks
  • Reduced ability for lateral movement for attackers

IAM Fusion Teams

The combination of people, processes, and technology is how top organizations succeed in IAM. As our integrated world continues to take shape a long-run strategic move IT leaders can make is to extend the thoughts, ideas and strategy developed beyond the core and traditional IAM teams.

Key Benefits of CIP:

  • Merging of identity data and identity threat signals
  • Enhanced ability to protect against sophisticated identity attacks
  • Reduced ability for lateral movement for attackers

Start Working with Security Experts

Book a 15-minute call with a security expert at GCA to learn more about how we can help secure your organization.