The Right Access for
the Right People

Identity Governance (IG)

Identity Governance (IG)

Identity governance is focused on validating the access rights that members of the workforce have. The guiding principle is to achieve “Least Privileged Access” where everyone at the organization only has the access they need to perform their job, and nothing more. Identity governance software tools (on-prem and in the cloud) are designed to streamline the process of reviewing access assigned to each identity in the workforce.

Cut Out Manual Processes:

Manual Identity Governance

Excel Based Reviews – Manually intensive and error-prone.


 Automated Identity Governance

Identity Governance Tool – Cuts out the manual processes, creates an audit trail and manages remediation.

Key Needs for Success for Identity Governance Tool Implementation:

  1. Technical Implementation – Here you will need experts to install, configure, and connect the software to your data sources. In typical implementations, the identity governance tool is connected to an HR feed (the primary source of identities) and it is connected to application feeds where access right data is collected.
  2. Program Roll-Out – Once the technical components of your projects are implemented you will be ready to review access rights. Here you will make decisions on access review frequency, length of review periods, and other policies like reassigning review items. Here many headaches can be saved by engaging an experienced team who have done it before.

Key Benefits of Identity Governance Tools

Reduced workforce
time reviewing access

Simplified internal
and external audits

Automated and
Ticket-based Remediation

Separation of
duties policies

and Analytics

Make Reviews a Breeze with GCA

Does your organization struggle to get reviews done on time? Are managers spending too much time managing reviews, rather than their day-to-day work? GCA can help your organization streamline reviews and keep your data safe.
Take the first step to compliance. Book a 15-minute call with us to:
  1. Discuss your organization’s identity needs at a high level
  2. Confirm the best workshop or meeting option
  3. Plan next steps



SailPoint IdentityIQ Compliance Manager

MicroFocus / NetIQ – Identity Governance